
Trauma & PTSD Therapy

Don’t Let Trauma Or PTSD Control Your Life

Are Terrible Memories Impacting You Daily?

Most of us are lucky enough to live life without witnessing or living through a catastrophic event or experience. But what happens when an event, such as rape, abuse or violence impacts your life? Often people who suffer through these types events have thoughts that impact them long after the event is over.

Is Therapy Right For Me?

Signs You Might Be Suffering From Trauma Or PTSD

– You have feelings of shock, denial or disbelief

– You find yourself getting mad, irritable or having mood swings often

– You blame yourself for something happening

– You feel sad or hopeless after going through or witnessing a traumatic incident

– You have troubles concentrating

– You find yourself anxious or afraid

– You pull away from friends and loved ones – wanting to stay in more often

– You feel numb or disconnected from the world

– You have troubles sleeping

– You often have nightmares

– You get startled easily

– You find yourself sweating or your heart racing for no reason

How Our Therapists Approach Dealing With Trauma And PTSD

Using research-supported techniques, our therapists work openly and patiently in one-on-one and group settings to help you understand why you have the feelings and emotions you do – and how a past trauma can “trigger” an irrational or disproportionate reaction in the present. Once you understand where your feelings and emotions are coming from, you are better able to begin working on ways to manage those feelings and emotions.

Don’t Let Trauma Or PTSD Control Your Life

We know it’s not easy, but if you’re feeling crippled by experiences you’ve lived through, we invite you to speak with one of our therapist about it and get your life back.

You really can get there from here.

Dan Quinn, PsyD

Clinical Director

Tim Edwards, MBBS

Relationship Coach

Stacy Smith, MFT

Marriage and Family Therapist

Yael Stiles, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Kirsten Maier, PhD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Danielle Lancon, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Sally Covington, MA

Registered AMFT and Registered APCC

Let’s Do What Works.

How Therapy Helps With Trauma And PTSD:

By talking about what happened in particular ways, we are able to let go of the past and focus on the future. Talking with others about our experiences, lets people uncover why they feel certain ways. Once they understand why they are having feelings, which are impacting their life, such as nightmares, anxiety, and anger, they are better able to cope, control those feelings and get back to living a relatively normal life.

You really can get there from here.

Evening and weekend appointments available.

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